ATSWM Chapter 4 (Part 2)

Chapter 4.2 Sang State’s Goddess of War (Part 2)

  Meng Wuyou cried while shaking her head: “Jiang Jinyuan, don’t say anymore ! I beg you don’t say anymore!”

  Sang Yuanyuan remembers that in the original work, Han Shaoling replied like this——Jiang Jinyuan, this is a woman who climbed onto my bed and I had pampered her until she was hovering between life and death.


  Han Shaoling tilted his head to glance at her.

  Sang Yuanyuan actually could see two points of guilty conscience that was shown inside this young king’s black eyes.

  Only heard Han Shaoling open his mouth to coldly say: “Want to marry her? Impossible. This woman has a lowly background. She is a descendant from a traitorous slave and she is not a virgin. Your family will not tolerate her. If you really like her, you can take her back and hide her in the courtyard to pamper her. If you let me hear even the least bit of news, I will throw her down into the abyss. “

  Sang Yuanyuan:”……” Isn’t this painting style wrong?

  Jiang Jinyuan also did not expect him to say so.

  When he was entangled with Meng Wuyou, he clearly felt that she had an unspeakable secret, and it was related to a secret matter between men and women. When the young man’s emotion was over the top and rushed to the door with her, he clearly had one or two points of thought to settle the score with his rival in love.

  Being splattered by Han Shaoling’s few icy words, he only felt a cold burst after burst throughout his heart.

  “Teacher, I……”

  ”No need to say anymore,” Han Shaoling’s eyes were slightly cold. “Since your identity has been revealed, then you are no longer my student. I will personally plead with the Emperor. You go and prepare, wait for the escort envoy to arrive and go back to Tiandu together with them. “

  ”Teacher!” Jiang Jinyuan becomes anxious.

  His cultivation had been stuck on the ninth layer of the Hidden Spirit Base for a good long time. No matter how much spirit liquid he drank, there was no sign of breaking the level.

  His paternal aunt asked him to follow Han Shaoling in Han state to practice cultivation. In just a short two months, the boundary wall was loosened. Seeing that he was about to step into the Clear Spirit Base and become a real Master, if he was sent back at this critical juncture, he would surely spoil the ship for a ha’porth of tar, and his cultivation level would drop back to a few months ago!

  That piece of Jiang Jinyuan’s budding young heart was scared to half-death.

  Han Shaoling smiles: “Take the woman that you admired and go.”

  Jiang Jinyuan: “……”

  ”Han Shaoling!”

  In the hall where even the sound of a dropped needle could be heard, a clear female voice suddenly rings out.

  One only saw Meng Wuyou stubbornly raise her small face, eyes that were full of tears straightly stare at King Han. She looked extremely angry, somewhat wanting to even risk her life for it.

  ”Is a royal lineage that great? Why do you give me to others at will?! You forcibly took away my innocence. What you destroyed is my lifetime’s happiness?! Yes, my status is low, but can you abuse someone at will just because their status is low?! Let me tell you, Han Shaoling, being raped by you is the most disgusting thing in my life!”

  Sang Yuanyuan got a little headache from her shouting.

  Just when she wants to suggest that they go outside to quarrel, Meng Wuyou suddenly turns her line of sight and discovers her(SYY).

  After a short period of surprise, Meng Wuyou raised her hand, pointed straight at Sang Yuanyuan, and shouted incredulously: “You take me as her stand in?! Han Shaoling, you are despicable! You are simply not a human being! If not for Zhang Mama[2] taking pity on me and letting me out secretly, I would have been kept in the dark for all my life! “

[1] Zeze : the sound of clicking the tongue.

[2] Mama : elderly slave woman that usually serves beside a high position person.

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16 thoughts on “ATSWM Chapter 4 (Part 2)

  1. Oh my… So, let me get this straight. This guy
    1. Failed to assign his wife guards while she was unconscious after protecting him, which almost resulted in her death
    2. Got a substitute for her
    3. Instead of charming that substitute and having proper sex, actually raped her
    4. Openly shamed and ridiculed the substitute for her status and not being a virgin (which he caused)
    5. Gave permission for her to be given to some random guy who took a fancy to her, and basically be imprisoned from now on
    ……… urgh. Son of an amoeba. Kinda wanna bitch slap everyone who was involved in his education. His level is subterranean omfg

    Liked by 22 people

  2. altair545

    Whia this FL girl sure is pitiful, taken as a substitute of some other girl, forcibly raped, thrown away and told she can’t marry and then giving away, I mean wtf man.

    The Hao did is just pure fucking scum.

    Mc needs to leave asap.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Eue

    Is the og fl a transmigrator cos she’s acting like one who just arrived in the past. Isn’t she scared to be punished, since its obviously a feudal and strength based society

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Onibi Onna

    i mean knowing these kind of novels i dont expect anything, but i hope the original fl gets a decent end, what happened to her is just awful


  5. GiL

    Hahaha! What a dick?! It’s good for you to be alone in your life so you don’t drag other people’s lives.
    Meng Wuyou, did you realize what you said?
    Anyway, thanks for the chapter


  6. brushbear

    I really hope he gets a lot of headache with this whole stuff

    Also the promise is broken so mc is going back home? But Yu guy already leads an army towards Han guy tho?


  7. papelepap

    I just had a thought. ogFL looks a lot like MC… author won’t suddenly make her a long lost twin or sibling down the line, won’t she? 😨😨😨
    Hope not coz the Sang fam seems cute 😦 don’t want fam drama from them


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