ATSWM Chapter 14.1

Chapter 14.1 Old Spirit Pearl of Remembrance (Part 1)

  Although it’s just a Temporary Palace, it can be seen that You Wuming is usually very indifferent towards the things in life.

  The servant prepared superior-quality thin silk bedding for him, which he obviously did not use even once. It was still the same shape as when they folded it on the couch. Only a small sunken area could be seen near the head of the bed. Sang Yuanyuan could even imagine it in her mind of You Wuming’s appearance when he sat there casually to practice his cultivation.

  He would take some memorials and military books to the bed to read, then casually throw them around after he had finished reading them. There were some at both the head of the bed and the end of the bed. Sang Yuanyuan picked it up carefully to have a look, then put them back where they were.

  The letters in this world are similar to that of a Chinese bronze inscription. She can roughly understand about seventy to eighty percent of them. The written grammar looks very awkward and it doesn’t even have any punctuation. After reading for a long time, she cannot even finish a few pages. Really can’t find any useful information.

  She doesn’t know what she’s looking for——When she was in a desperate situation, if she doesn’t want to await her own doom, then she can only force herself to move around and do something casually, and perhaps she can even find a turning point.

  By the wall stood a large wooden cabinet with a dark pattern. Sang Yuanyuan carefully grasps the green jade groove, gently and slowly opens the cabinet door.

  It’s all his clothes.

  Black, white and gray, three colors. The style is simple and was adorned with an unobtrusive clawless dragon. The clothes were folded neatly and apparently, nothing was hidden there.

  She curiously bent down and sniffed.

  There was no smell.

  There is a couch by the wooden window, on which was laid a low white jade table. There are black pen holder, some paper, inkstone and other things on the table.

  Sang Yuanyuan looked through it once and still found nothing.

  She came to the only conclusion——By You Wuming’s side, there are indeed no other women.

  Her eyes fell back to the bed and stopped suddenly.

  She took a few quick steps and carefully lifted the green jade pillow.

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  Hidden at the bottom of the pillow was a small black wooden box, which looked quite old.

  Her heart was thumping. After listening attentively for a while, she heard the sound from the next door that seemed as if You Wuming was dragging out a chair. She then felt rest assured to touch the clasp and gently open the small wooden box.

  On the exquisite silk cloth inside, there is a transparent shining white pearl.

  Spirit Pearl of Remembrance.

  If it was injected with the spirit essence, it could record a small piece of image and sound, which could be kept inside the pearl. If it was injected  with spirit essence again, then it could be recalled, time and again.

  Only a Clear Spirit Base can release the spirit essence. She can’t see it.

  Sang Yuanyuan gloomily closed the wooden box and put it back under the jade pillow.

  It must be a very, very important thing. Otherwise, he would not have placed it under his pillow——For people like You Wuming, beside their sword, to still take other things with them when they were traveling, is already a very rare thing.

  The wooden box looks old, with its body seems to have been rubbed until it is thoroughly shiny everywhere. It is obviously often held in You Wuming’s hand.

  And that piece of silk……One can see with a glance that it belongs to a woman. It’s a bright and radiant woman with a fiery red fragrance.

  Spirit Pearl of Remembrance, must be related to her.

  It was someone that You Wuming cared very much.

  A person like him, will there be anyone he cares about?

  She thought so deeply that she didn’t realize that the ghost-like man had already stood quietly in front of her.

  ”What are you thinking about?” He returned to his careless manner.

  Sang Yuanyuan pulled herself together and looked up at him.

  Just now, she has washed off the Face Disguising substance. At this moment, she doesn’t apply any powder or rogue and the afterglow of the setting sun has put on the light gold makeup for her. With one smile, it made You Wuming so dazzled that he squinted his eyes.

  ”I was thinking, after you win the battle and go back together with me to see my Royal Father, what kind of a chicken-flying-dog-jumping scene it will be.”

  This is a picture of the future that she outlined unilaterally in the tub while taking advantage of the time when he was in a daze.

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12 thoughts on “ATSWM Chapter 14.1

  1. CandiedSkull

    “With one smile, it made You Wuming so dazzled that he squinted his eyes.” Even he is taken aback by her beauty and demeanor. Her acting and personality are gonna be what ultimately save her

    Liked by 4 people

      1. “Suddenly routed,” as in… well, he came in the tub without entering her. That’s why she thinks, “the first time is an accident.”
        At least, that’s how i’m reading it.


  2. Onibi Onna

    i really dont get people who are like poor mc, when she is pretty clearly running him about. like there is something pretty obviously wrong with mc too she’s just subtle about it lol

    Liked by 4 people

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