ATSWM Chapter 20.1

Chapter 20.1 Easy To Dislike

  Sang Yuanyuan knew that the ending in the book was about to be staged.

  Just, don’t know after this battle, how many people around them were able to survive?

  You Wuming is seriously injured in the book. If he still has to divide his attention to protect her, afraid……

  Her heart only felt a burst of icy cold.

  The short journey of a different time and space, will it just end like this?

  If she caused You Wuming’s death, it would have saved this world a lot of disasters, and it could be said as not a waste of her time.

  She self-mockingly thought.

  Vaguely, there seemed to be a low and deep sound of wind and thunder coming from somewhere.

  The thunderclap ran over the black iron, and the rumbling sound gradually approached.

  ”This is……”

  On top of the inner Great Wall, a fiery dragon winds its way, and its speed is very fast. The big flag of the word Sang is fluttering in the wind.

  King Sang, have arrived!

  It turned out that King Sang led his troops to attack directly from the inner Great Wall, which saved many detours and shortened the journey by half a day!

  The roar of a lion, like a bell, runs through the wide buffer zone and reverberates between the inner and outer Great Walls.

  ”Sang Chengming has rebelled. Do you all want to help the tyranny or surrender quickly?!”

  “Still not surrendering quickly?!”

  “Surrender quickly!”

  The gate was opened, and the cruel and ruthless division, who was full of energy and spirit, gushed out of the gate. With cruel oppression, they stepped on the backflow of the surging tide of the underworld demons and tore them into tens of thousands of pieces mercilessly!

  At this moment, the underworld demons were retreating. It was just like chasing and striking the disowned dogs.

Please support this translation by reading it at the translator’s original website and not on other site (they just took this translation without permission).

  The Sang state’s troops quickly crossed the buffer zone, and barrels of fuel oils were transported over and poured on the horde of underworld demons that were piling up under the outer Great Wall and were insanely attacking the rampart. Burned till they squeaked and screamed in turmoil, and rolled into a ball.

  Tens of thousands of crossbows fired in unison. The underworld demons that were plunging in the mid-air were hit by arrows, and fell down one after another.

  The pressure on the wall has dropped!

  But everyone’s faces did not look good.

  No one knows whether this Sang state’s army is here to finish them off. The other side has plenty of ammunition, well-trained and powerful army, while their own side, each and everyone was tired beyond endurance and has reached their limit……

  The one with the worst complexion among them was Han Shaoling.

  Since matters regarding the interception have been revealed, he and Sang state, could be said to have torn up a greater part of their faces. He couldn’t imagine what King Sang, who had held the absolute advantage at this moment, would do to him.

  You Wuming, like a ghost’s shadow, sticks to Sang Yuanyuan and exhales lightly in her ear.

  ”Little Mulberry, are you leaving me?”

  Sang Yuanyuan glanced back at him.

  Inside that pair of black eyes, were full of unconcealed murderous aura.

  ”I can’t let you leave alive.” He laughed, and his face looked unusually white amidst the bloodstain.

  Don’t know if it is an illusion, Sang Yuanyuan feels that his smile is somewhat fragile, like a small flower bud that snapped instantly in the rain of blood.

  ”How can I leave you?” She bent her eyes and said with a smile, “We have agreed that after you won the battle, I will take you back to Sang state to meet father and mother.”

  ”Really? I don’t believe it. ” His cold hand slowly reached the back of her neck.

  ”I’m injured,” he said. “If Sang Chengyin wants to snatch, it’s impossible for me to bring you away alive.”

  His black eyes became very hollow, and he began to exert strength on his palm.

  Sang Yuanyuan abruptly grabbed his clothes, looked at him up and down: “Going away? I’m not going anywhere! Where are you hurt, quickly let me see if it is alright or not?!”

  His body stiffened. After a long time, he released his hand and stared at her strangely.

  After looking at it for a while, he laughed.

  ”A grown girl really can’t be kept at home[1]! Little Mulberry, if your father knew that you relied on me like this, I’m afraid he would vomit three liters of blood in anger! “

  Sang Yuanyuan : “……” Isn’t it because I have to save my life under the claws of a lunatic like you?

  ”Forget it,” he grabbed her by the shoulder. “I believe you.”

  He fixedly stared into her eyes : “Don’t let me down, or you will definitely regret coming into this world.”

[1] A grown girl really can’t be kept at home : An idiom, that parents used to criticize their daughters for siding with outsiders.

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12 thoughts on “ATSWM Chapter 20.1

  1. lol, got to love this black-belly type of male lead. Once she figures out how to push all of his buttons, she will have him wrapped around her finger and he’ll still think he’s the dominant one in the relationship.

    Liked by 42 people

  2. Shishi

    “How can I leave you? We have agreed that after you won the battle, I will take you back to Sang state to meet father and mother.”

    Simp Me: Aww, How sweet!!💕
    Also the Rational Me: it’s all act tho…it’s fake 🥺

    Liked by 24 people

  3. altair545

    lol even lunatics cant handle the concern of a beauty, damn she can really play him well hu.

    It’s still fucking scary though, he’s been able to kill her multiple times, mc definitely is a bit soft upstairs to fall for this guy.


  4. yarnie

    oiiii the way she thought how fragile his bittersweet smile when he was holding her neck… somehow i imagine hım wıth same but even bıtter smıle ın past with his mother…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. GiL

    SY has to put out all her best acting just to save her life. Imagine that lunatic guy saying all those nasty words and his actions before to her. Of course, your mentality and your body will react to save your life. And if in case the ML will say something sweet. A girl understating think differently. Anyway, thanks for the chapter


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