ATSWM Chapter 25.9

Chapter 25.9 Breaking Off The Marriage Contract

   On the third day, the two Kings bid farewell to the Emperor and left Jingtian Palace. 

   When they stepped out of Tiandu, Han Shaoling stood in the middle of the road. He stretched out both of his arms to block the Sang state’s carriage. 

   “Good nephew,” King Sang stroked his beard and laughed, “Although you have said a lot of good words in front of the Emperor these few days to absolve me, and I also appreciate your kindness, but if it is related to my little girl, then I can only say that I am willing to help but unable to do so!” 

   The Sang father and son pair felt somewhat cheerful and lively. 

   They were reluctant to marry Sang Yuanyuan to Han state in the first place. If she and Han Shaoling had a harmonious life, it would be fine. Now that it has become like this, the father and son pair were very anxious to immediately hide Little Mulberry at home, so as not to let these boys have a longer look at her. 

   A shallow smile appeared on the corners of Han Shaoling’s lips: “I am not here to see the Princess. Who I am looking for were precisely King Sang and Crown Prince Sang. Please have a look——” 

   He leaned sideways to show the carriage behind him. 

   Two personal bodyguards lifted the curtain of the carriage and pulled a woman whose mouth was gagged with cloth, out of the carriage. They dragged her before the Sang father and son pair. 

   King Sang’s eyes were slightly frozen. 

   That woman’s face was covered with a half golden mask, and the remaining half, whether it was the eyebrows, eyes, nose or lips, were eight points similar to Sang Yuanyuan. 

   “Good nephew, what do you mean with this?” King Sang remotely asked. 

   Han Shaoling turned his head and a personal bodyguard stepped forward to lift a corner of the mask. 

   The mask had been burned into the skin and could no longer be taken off. 

   The Sang father and son pair, who were already accustomed to bloodshed didn’t feel much. They just inwardly sighed that as expected, Han Shaoling’s method is really cruel. A man that can achieve great things. 

Please support this translation by reading it at the translator’s original website and not on other site (they just took this translation without permission).

   Han Shaoling waved his hand and let his people drag Meng Wuyou back. 

   He gently smiled and said : “In the future, when I compete with others for Princess, I hope that King Sang and Crown Prince Sang will not put this item in mind.” 

   With that, he clasped his hand and gently bowed before turning away to leave. 

   The view of his back is very elegant and nimble. 

   “This kid, this kid……” King Sang pointed towards Han Shaoling’s figure and even after a long while, he still can not say a complete sentence out. 

   Crown Prince Sang wrinkled his two beautiful eyebrows: “I observed that he really had an extremely remorseful expression. It is also really hard to find a second person as talented as Han Shaoling. I’m afraid that Little Sister will become soft hearted and be deceived by him. ” 

   “Heh,” King Sang smilingly said, “He also has to have a talent to face others. Let’s go, return home!” 

   Three escort emissaries have been waiting by the side of the road. 

   When a royal family went in and out of Tiandu, the Emperor would send escort emissaries to accompany them. The total number of emissaries is no more than ten. Each and every one of them are cultivators with at least Shining Spirit Base, and they are equipped with unique skills. Unless the one that they encountered are the regular armed forces who dares to rebel openly, it’s enough to escort anyone to any place safely with just them. 

   The party of Sang clan travelled across Jiang state. 

   They were about to arrive at the border of Sang state when suddenly a black wave was surging on the horizon. Not long after, an awe inspiring fierce army cladded in iron armour trampled over like wind and thunder into their vicinity! 

   The flag flutters flauntingly. You. 

   King Sang and his son had a solemn expression. You Wuming even dares to direct his army straight into the Jiang state’s territory, it seems that he would no longer have any scruples! 

   At this moment, Aunt Ling was chatting with Sang Yuanyuan. It is about how Han Shaoling, at the age of eighteen or nineteen, took over the burden of his late father’s, and carried the big banner of Han state on his own immature shoulders.

TN : there will be an extra sponsored chapter later today ^0^

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11 thoughts on “ATSWM Chapter 25.9

  1. Shishi

    Han Shaoling actually succeeded in ruining the heaven’s child face?! What happened to the divine protection?

    Anyway, that’s another point to his loses. He’s really doing mistakes after mistakes, it’s getting painful to watch ah 🕯

    Shoutout to ML for showing off his army/capabilities to future fam!🎉

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Eue

    That’s messed up lol. I mean the og fl is indeed annoying and a harbinger of disaster but to do that to her bec the ml is ficklet…tsk tsk feudal era rly sucks, i wouldn’t want to be transmigrated to such a period

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Salisnotreligiousatall

    Yall idk but dang if i see someone similar to my daughter and my daughter ex husband burned her face to showed his so called sincerity i would be so dangg maaddd. He’s the one who cant control his lust why dont he burned his own face, then i would feel his sincerity 💀

    Liked by 2 people

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