ATSWM Chapter 25.14

Chapter 25.14 Breaking Off The Marriage Contract

   The monkey pressed his lips tightly, turned his head away, and awkwardly said, “Hurry in and take a look. Afraid there will be no living person to see if it’s delayed.” 

   Sang Yuanyuan picked up the hem of her skirt and ran up the steps in a hurry. 

   “How did he get hurt?” 

   Little Five said: “He was hit by a poisonous palm and an arrow. It damaged his heart. He has been in a coma for nine days. ” 

   Sang Yuanyuan thought of his face. 

   So white. So white that it looked transparent. How could she think that he was really fine? He’s too good at pretending! 

   The hall door was pulled open, and a strong smell of blood mixed with the smell of medicine, lingered in the hall. 

   Little Five led Sang Yuanyuan to the inner hall. She then saw that on the wide green jade bed, You Wuming was lying there quietly. Half of his chest was exposed and was bound with a fine cloth that had medicine in it. 

   Blood seeped through the herbs and fine cloth. A ghastly sight. 

   “You all withdraw first.” Little Five waved his hand. 

   Two old doctors with white eyebrows and calm expressions retreated outside the hall. 

   “It is even mentioned in the book that only those that are close to the person in a coma that can wake them up.” The battle-seasoned Little General sniffed, “I lied to Brother A Gu. In fact, the doctor didn’t say anything like that at all.” 

   “Is the Lord tired?” He whispered, “Originally, it was easy for him to leave. Why did he turn back?” 

   Sang Yuanyuan has reached the front side of the bed. 

   Why turn back? 

   After the doctor checked the pulse, he forgot to cover him with the cloud quilt. Half of his hand was exposed outside, so white without blood color at all. 

Please support this translation by reading it at the translator’s original website and not on other site (they just took this translation without permission).

   She held that hand gently. 

   His hand is very big, and there are calluses in his palm, especially the place where he holds the sword. 

   She hid his hand back under the cloud quilt and looked at his face. 

   When he was in such a peaceful sleep, his eyelashes looked particularly long. A person that has been in a coma for a few days, just seems as if he did not have enough sleep. Under his eyes were a black with a purple-green colored circle. 

   “You Wuming, you can’t die.” She sat at the head of the bed and whispered, “If you die, who will defeat Tiandu? The power of the Jiang clan, will it just sit still for thousands or tens of thousands of years? ” 

   Upon hearing this, Little Five who was standing on one side scratching his ears and cheeks in embarrassment, suddenly shivered in excitement. 

   He couldn’t help chipping in: “Princess and Lord are really made for each other!” 

   What a great lunatic couple. Even the first greeting is for him to do a great cause like rebelling! 

   As Sang Yuanyuan looked back and wanted to reply to it, she suddenly felt a severe pain on the back of her hand. 

   She was taken aback. Looking down, she saw a ghostly white hand come out of the cloud quilt, grabbing her with a force as strong as if it wanted to tear her hand apart alive. 

   The hoarse voice was slightly panting, passed over weakly: “Me, Dead? Little Mulberry, don’t even think about it. ” 

   “Lord!!!” Little Five almost jumped onto the beam. 

   Sang Yuanyuan’s gaze followed to where the sound came, and saw that the sleeping beauty had opened his eyes as promised. A fierce smile flickered through that pair of bottomless black eyes. 

   As soon as he woke up, the weakness on his body even seemed to be afraid of him and disappeared without any trace in an instant. 

   “Take her to wash. Too dirty.” You Wuming said with incomparable disgust. 

   Sang Yuanyuan :“……”

TN : from the previous chapters’ comment about Sang Yuanyuan’s abduction, seems like my mighty readers really trusted You Wuming (me too) ^__^

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20 thoughts on “ATSWM Chapter 25.14

  1. altair545

    Well those Jiang guys seem really corrupt, sure this’ll bring a lot of bloodshed and I’m sure some people will say there’s a way to change their views without bloodshed, but no, se things are so deeply rooted only by completely burning it tk the ground can there be a fresh start, even at the cost of great sacrifices.

    Welp indeed a beauty can capture anyone, even the big bad villain, I do hope he just doesn’t rape her …. Welp I mean at least gets her in the mood you know, not like before were it’s not really up to her, it’s either fuck me or I kill you, at least make her willing dude.

    Liked by 2 people

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