ATSWM Chapter 27.5

Chapter 27.5 Willing To Die For Madam

Duan Ming’s head drooped a little lower, hesitating, and did not know whether to get out of the way or not.

One man and one beast confronted each other for a moment, and finally Duan Ming was thoroughly terrified.

It lowered its body, bent its four legs and moved to the side.

Although its body is very honest, it still carries the last spirit of a beast and assumes a posture that it is ready to pounce on You Wuming at any time to prevent him from doing stupid things.

You Wuming blinked innocently and sat down beside Sang Yuanyuan. He pulled her up and put half of her body to lean inside his embrace.

After Duan Ming observed for a moment, it dilly-dallied to his back and acted as a pillow for him.

It knows its own master——with this appearance, it means he won’t kill the person for the time being.

“What is Little Mulberry made of anyway?” You Wuming very aggrievedly tilted Sang Yuanyuan’s head and stared at the faint bruises on her neck, “I only lightly touched it.”

Duan Ming straightly rolled its eyes.

“Oh!” His eyes brightened, “It’s the old wound caused by Jiang Jinpeng! Where is Jiang Jinpeng? I’ll kill him. “

Duan Ming :“……”

You Wuming nodded: “Right. Put him there, staying together with ‘that’. Let him ‘enjoy’ for a while.”

His voice was gloomy.

Please support this translation by reading it at the translator’s original website and not on other site (they just took this translation without permission).

He narrowed his eyes.

Sighing, he said : “Say, I almost died, but why did the You Shadow Guards not rebel? What do they want by following me? If they rebelled, I will just have to kill them all, so as not to wait for one to die today and another one tomorrow.”

He turned his hand around and stretched it out to touch Duan Ming’s head: “Why didn’t you also die last time? If you are dead, all troubles end. If you are not dead, I will still have to worry about when you are going to die.”

Duan Ming :“……”

It feels that its owner is actually a very, very insecure guy, but he himself will definitely not admit this.

One man and one beast stared at each other in dismay.

After a while, You Wuming lowered his head very slowly.

He only saw that on his hand that was holding Sang Yuanyuan’s waist, a drop of translucent water had fallen onto it.

The woman in his embrace trembled gently and let out a soft whimper, just like a kitten’s.

She whispered in a low voice : “Shuang’er……Shuang’er…… “

The expression in You Wuming’s eyes suddenly becomes sharp.

Duan Ming very punctually put its own head under You Wuming’s devil claws.

He mercilessly grabbed two fists of its soft white hair and said with a light smile: “What are you panicking about? It doesn’t even look like a man’s name.”

Duan Ming wants to give him a look of disdain, but unfortunately it did not dare.

“Ah!” Sang Yuanyuan cried out in alarm, opened her eyes, and her chest heaved violently.

She looked around in a daze. After a long time, she began to slowly regain her consciousness.

She had an extremely real dream, which made her unclear about what was going on for a while.

Shaking, she raised her hand and looked at the fingernail of her left ring finger.

“Little Mulberry,” a faint voice came from behind hef, “How old are you, to still have nightmares?”

Sang Yuanyuan slowly turned her head and blankly looked at him. After staring for a while, another bright teardrop rolled out of her eyes.

You Wuming’s expression was a bit cracked: “……I am here, what are you afraid of. What is there to fear about dreams?”

She gently grabbed his lapel, took a moment to relax and her expression finally calmed down.

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21 thoughts on “ATSWM Chapter 27.5

  1. Even if he doesn’t have any confidence in his own judgement security, maybe he will eventually be able to learn to have have that confidence in Sang YuanYuan. If he can learn to trust her judgement, he should be alright as long as she is always nearby.

    Liked by 13 people

      1. f00001

        You know, it really happens in reality. Takes time, but everyday the insecurity lessen.
        When I started dating, my boyfriend said that “he doesn’t trust ‘I love you’s ‘”… everyday repeating, plus daily interactions (on the phone – long distance relationship), he stopped with that kind of thinking in around a year. We’ve been dating for 6-7 years, sometimes he still feels insecure, but he also feels confortble to talk about and understands that he has no reason to.
        Words can realy heal (or hurt deeply) someone.

        Now end of the lecture, keep scrolling

        Liked by 15 people

        1. TheWhiteBook

          I think you’ve misunderstood me, I wasn’t casting doubt on methods of brainwashing via reiteration. I was pondering the scale of the plan, is this a “summer project”, or a “where do you see yourself in five years?” sort of deal.

          Liked by 4 people

  2. amberrosewishes

    Am I the only one that think You Wuming is kinda cute like a little kid? …Am crazy for that?

    P.S. Can someone tell me who is Shuang’er? Did I miss a chapter or something while reading or this really is the first time this name has ever been mention?


  3. altair545

    This guy just can’t trust anyone eh, he’s also scared of actually liking someone and that they’ll either betray him or die.

    Poor mc sure chose a weird horse on this one gonna have to go along with his craziness, welp I get the feeling she likes that excitement somehow, the fucking weirdo lol.

    Was she dreaming of something that happened in her past life? She’s said she suffered there quite a bit too to get to the top so someone she knew also betrayed her and hurt that person she was calling out? Or is the person she’s calling out the betrayer?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. papelepap

      He did say he’ll live well and give their world a funeral 1 or 2 updates before. So he has to live at least till he destroys their world.


  4. Uruchan2009

    I completely understand the mentality of the ML.
    I also so scared of having new relationship (any kind) or having pets. Because so scared that one day, they will betray me, leave me or die before me.

    Just feels like I don’t have any capacity to endure that kind of pain anymore.


  5. papelepap

    Duan Ming is really the perfect partner and best friend for ML. It’s a really smart beast. It understands and sees in the ML something that he himself may not.


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