ATSWM Chapter 36.5

Chapter 36.5 Mysterious Woman In Red Gauze

“I’m afraid he is in the room. It’s a bit troublesome.” Feng Niang slightly muttered to herself, “Is Sister willing to change clothes to send the tea inside? “

It is naturally what Sang Yuanyuan wishes for.

Feng Niang then searched and took a white gauze dress that showed only a little jade shoulder and asked her to change into it. She carried a slender porcelain pot on a jade plate and sent it to the room next to it.

“There are good shows downstairs at Xu Shi[1]. At this time, the guests usually will only let the courtesans accompany them to drink some wine. Sister just goes inside without worry and comes out after a glance, and it will be fine.” Feng Niang vaguely placated her.

Sang Yuanyuan nodded, pretending to have plucked out her courage, knocked on the door and entered the first room.

The scene inside is not unfamiliar.

Wine and meat, men and women, she has long accustomed to seeing such a thing.

She gathered her breath and replaced the old teapot on the table without catching the slightest attention of others.

In the fifth room, Sang Yuanyuan saw the woman in red that she was looking for at a glance.

The woman’s red eyebrows traced towards her temples, with vermillion rose petals dotted on between her eyebrows. Two lines on the upper lips were exaggeratedly drawn on the corners of her lips, which was splendidly radiant. Her whole red dress was tattooed with golden birds in dark threads, which was low-key but luxurious. Not even the slightest coquetry can be found on her body. Whether it is her eyes, manners and looks, all graceful and vigorous. It even has quite the feeling of both male’s and female’s beauty.

Just like a fiery red sun, its radiance dazzled the eyes and its graceful bearing was scorching hot.

Sang Yuanyuan was taken aback with what she saw——A Gu’s statement was too restrained. This woman in red and her is far more than three-tenths similar! It’s at least five-tenths similar. After removing the make-up, it may even become seven-tenths or eight-tenths similar!

What’s even stranger is that at the first sight of her, Sang Yuanyuan’s heart felt a strong strange sense of deja vu.

She looked around the room quietly and did not see the figure of Ning Hongcai and the guards.

She only saw a woman in pink gauze smiling charmingly and adding wine to the cup of the woman in red. She groaned, “Why does Gentle Lady[2] care about Little Yushu’s matter? Is this slave not good? Always talking about a dead person, how unlucky!”

Sang Yuanyuan’s movement paused slightly.

Please support this translation by reading it at the translator’s original website and not on other site (they just took this translation without permission).

Little Yushu, she had heard this name before. On that day, when Jiang Jinpeng sneaked into the Imperial Palace wanting to kill her and frame it to Jiang Jinzhen, he mentioned that he wanted to avenge Little Yushu.

So this woman in red is concerned about Little Yushu’s matter?

The girl in red laughed, and her voice was as clear as the tinkling sound of running water, and could not be distinguished between male and female. She asked, “Between Little Yushu and that second son from the King of Jiang state, their relationship really runs that deep?”

The female entertainer pouted her red lips, and replied: “That shouldn’t be. To tell the truth, Gentle Lady, the two brothers of the Jiang family, their belly is full of bad water[3]. They don’t treat us, sisters, as human beings. If it’s not really, really because of the family’s urgent need for money, everyone will find an excuse to shirk and will be unwilling to serve them. How could there be any relationship in it?”

Sang Yuanyuan’s heart slightly jumped. She quietly looked at the woman in red with her eyes filled with hesitation.

“Sure enough,” the woman in red stretched out her finger and tapped on the table top, with an appearance as if she had expected that and muttered to herself, “I just knew that there was something else about my Little Sister’s mishap. Hmph, if I find out about it, they just have to wait to die! “

She has very large hands and extremely long fingers.

Sang Yuanyuan opened her mouth wide, staring at ‘her’. This manner of speaking, she was too familiar with it.

No, it should be ‘him’.

This ‘woman’ is that cheap brother of hers, the Crown Prince of the Sang state, Sang Bujin! Sang Yuanyuan cast her gaze towards his throat, only to see colored stones were hanging on a piece of delicate red gauze there, which blocked his Adam’s apple tightly.

For a while, Sang Yuanyuan didn’t know how to express her feelings at this moment.

She took a few deep breaths to relieve the shock in her heart.

Seeing that Sang Yuanyuan still didn’t leave yet, the entertainer woman in pink gauze frowned strangely: “Are you a newcomer? What are you dazing here for? “

Hearing this, the red gauzed Sang Bujin raised his head, and looked at Sang Yuanyuan with a pair of eyes that was tattooed with colorful phoenix tails. Seeing her staring at himself in a daze, with an appearance as if she had seen an acquaintance, but also as if she had seen a ghost.

He wrinkled his brows, looked at her up and down, and the corners of his mouth suddenly twitched. This figure……is too familiar!

“You,” he patted the arm of the woman in pink gauze, “go out first.”

TN : well, another mystery solved ^0^ is there anyone who had suspected that the red woman is Sang Bujin? Without reading the spoiler first of course..

[1] Xu shi : the period of the day from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

[2] Gentle Lady : 女公子 (Nǚ Gōngzǐ). I don’t know how to translate this, really. It’s not missy or lady. It’s more like a woman who is more tomboyish? Imagine a handsome gentleman, but change the gender to female, there you go, hahaha.

[3] belly full of bad water : have a really bad heart/evil mind.

My other translated novel :

Become The Apex of The Black Tyrant CEO (Book Transmigration) – ABTC

Landing On My Heart – LOMH

Support On PATREON for Advanced Chapters

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21 thoughts on “ATSWM Chapter 36.5

  1. Yoonim's dollar

    I certainly did not expect it was her brother! I read some spoilers in the nu forum but i didn’t mention anything about this piece 😂

    Thanks for the chapter ☺️

    Liked by 10 people

  2. TheWhiteBook

    Nope, completely blindsided!
    Even midway through the chapter when it emphasized the neither masculine nor feminine voice and I started considering it could be a man or eunuch, I never for a second considered Bujin.

    Liked by 6 people

  3. altair545

    lol I didn’t see it coming tbh, I thought it was another surprise jitnshiwn from the book, a lost sister or aunt or something.

    What’s he doing here though? Uh oh he’ll want to take her away though, let’s see how she convinces him lol, welp he was the one that was okay with her marriage to YW as long as she truly loved him …. This family is just too trusting of mc lol that’s what for her fucked in the first place with me douche.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Panacea Seer

    I am dying, imagine catching your brother cross-dressing at a brothel and he is the prettiest one around. I think I would nearly die trying to hold in my laughter IMAGINE HOW HE LOOKS GETTING CAUGHT omg weeeeze

    Liked by 5 people

  5. Jenn

    My thought was the lady in red was an aunt who likes to travel and came back only to hear that her niece suffered in the hands of the Han guy, so she went out to get revenge on the white lotus (the antidote of his poison), but heard of the mishap at the teahouse and instead went to get the Arcane person to cut off their last hope. NOT THE BROTHER!! no wonder the author always empathized his beauty orz

    Liked by 1 person

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