ATSWM Chapter 41.5

Chapter 41.5 Beloved woman

Yun Xuzhou sighed, shook her head and said, “Don’t worry. With me here, you won’t die. (Younger) Sister Fengguo, you have recognized it wrong. Yun Xuzhou, I, the Regent Ruler of the Yun state, is a woman just like you. At that time, I even rejected the famous You Wuming.”

Sang Yuanyuan suddenly heard You Wuming’s name and unconsciously grasped his hand.

You Wuming sneered: “Do you think that You Wuming will even take a fancy on you, Regent Ruler of Yun state?”

Yun Xuzhou sneered with a ‘ha’ sound: “I don’t like him anyway. Why do I need him to take a fancy on me? What do you care about other people for? Did you think that you are You Wuming?”

You Wuming: “……” Excuse me, it’s precisely this Lord.

Before he broke out, Sang Yuanyuan covered his mouth in time and said: “Don’t quarrel. You are all very good people and you will all obtain happiness.”

After a bowl of chicken soup was spilled out, either You Wuming or Yun Xuzhou, have no way to continue it anymore.

The sled went smoothly into the snow mountain and stopped in front of a bottomless cliff.

“You’re lucky!” Yun Xuzhou stopped the sled nicely, took out a ring of huge hard rope, nailed it into the mountain wall under the snow, and said: “Just a few days ago, my (younger) brother suffered from an old ailment and had to rely on the Ice Soul of Cold Crystal to survive. I found a cave with two plants of Non Freeze Grass in it.”

“Why didn’t you say that earlier!” Sang Bujin finally collapsed his shoulder that has been tight since long ago, and pretended to be angry and said, “You made me worried all the way.”

Yun Xuzhou looked back and flashed a smile at him: “This time, you should have remembered it deeply, right? In the future, just have more trust in me. Of all the things that I, Yun Xuzhou, had promised you, which of them wasn’t done properly for you? Just take a look at your own appearance that can hardly retain your composure. Tsk. When you get married in the future, I will still have to worry about you! “

Sang Bujin was being told into a daze by her.

“Yun Xuzhou,” he asked, “Do you really plan to not get married in your whole life?”

Yun Xuzhou sneered: “What’s so good about men? Out of all the things that they can do, which one of them was not done better by me?”

Sang Bujin laughed and said: “With this temper of yours, no one was able to treat you as a woman.”

Please support this translation by reading it at the translator’s original website and not on other site (they just took this translation without permission).

Yun Xuzhou self mockingly spread out her hands: “It would be better if I were really a man. I will just marry you, Fengchu, so that we can save each other’s worries.”

Sang Bujin calmly turned away: “How is that good?”

“Tsk, still being shy.” Yun Xuzhou threw away the ice axe in her hand, clapped hands, “It’s done!”

She stepped forward and snatched Sang Yuanyuan from You Wuming’s arms.

Yun Xuzhou’s arm is very powerful. She holds Sang Yuanyuan with one hand and the suspension rope with the other hand. She randomly kicks her boots on the mountain wall several times, and then slides down more than a hundred zhang with her.

Further down, the wind gets stronger.

Yun Xuzhou used her body to shield Sang Yuanyuan from the wind. Seeing that there was no panic nor fear on Sang Yuanyuan’s face, she could not help laughing and said: “You are good. Although your body is somewhat weak, you are also a person who is soft outside and hard inside, just like the children of our Yun’s family. Your name is Fengguo, right? You are much less worrisome than your sister!”

Sang Yuanyuan:“……”

She decisively turned away from the subject: “Just now, I heard you talk about the old ailments of King Yun.”

In this generation of the Yun clan, there was only one male, who is the current King of the Yun state, and the younger brother of Yun Xuzhou, Yun Xuyang. Frail, with leg problems, and also has to rely on the Ice Soul of Cold Crystal to prolong his life. He is really the most miserable king.

Yun Xuzhou smiled indifferently: “The Yun clan’s blood has been cursed. In every case, if it is a male, he either unexpectedly dies at a young age or is frail and sick. If my brother dies one day, then it will be all over and also save me from having to always be haunted with fear every single day.”

In spite of this, Sang Yuanyuan could feel the fear that she has forced down in the bottom of her heart. In fact, she was very afraid of losing her relatives.

“When we go back later, I will take a look at him.” Sang Yuanyuan said.

Yun Xuzhou chuckled: “Oh you, you’re already in a dire situation yourself, but still thinks about saving others.”

Sang Yuanyuan also laughed, and didn’t explain it further——it indeed was really too early to say that she wants to check on someone else’s illness at this time.

As they were talking, they also arrived at the destination. She only saw that Yun Xuzhou sharply pulled the suspension rope, and they immediately stopped falling. She stomped heavily on the mountain wall, and along the force when they bounced back, she loosened her hand and they fell into the cave on the cliff.

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10 thoughts on “ATSWM Chapter 41.5

  1. chinesefanreader

    SB turns his head away as he thinks “Or if I was a man, would you marry me?” And YW hold back your ego, it’s enough that our Sang girl wants to marry the loco you 🤪

    Thanks for the chapter 🙏

    Liked by 4 people

  2. bubublacz

    Can’t wait for her to be the sis in law!! On a side note I’d love to read a story with YX as the fl! That’d be cool. Thanks for the hard work!


  3. altair545

    Damn this new cp is great lol a heroic and valiant woman and the soft and feminine man lol.

    Hey have you never considered Yuri girl? Cmon who cares if you’re both women just make her yours hehehe.

    What a great ship has appeared here lol, good thing sis came along hu big bro? I’m sure she’ll set things up for you.

    Liked by 4 people

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